Mozart was 32 years old when he composed his 40th symphony, which is until this day considered to be one of his most ingenious works. The composer himself was very fond of it, and described it (along with symphonies n. 30 and 41) as his “appeal to eternity”. Another great composer, Robert Schumann, said that this music possesses a “Grecian lightness and grace”. Most critics agree that Symphony n.40 is tragic in tone and intensely emotional; in their words, it is “a work of passion, violence, and grief”. The main theme is immediately recognizable by most everyone.
HomeOrchestra arrangements of classical music standards is a very desirable addition to a school orchestra repertoire. It allows to choose a member of any group – keyboards, strings, woodwinds or brass – and give them an unprecedented opportunity to shine as a soloist of a symphonic orchestra from the youngest age!
Watch the full length video here
Credits: Sofia Sovpel, piano / “Gnessin Virtuosi” Youth Orchestra /Mikhail Khokhlov, conductor