Rachmaninov’s career as composer moved slowly at first. When his first symphony was performed, absolutely nobody liked it. He lost confidence and found himself unable to compose. He finally went to a hypnotist, who repeated over and over to him, “you will write your Concerto, you will write your Concerto….” And so he did, producing his famous “Piano Concerto in c minor”, which is his most popular work. Rachmaninov dedicated it to that physician – hypnotist, who helped him to overcome his fall of self-confidence. The concerto begins with a series of bell-like tolling on the piano that build tension, supposedly an allusion to a pendulum of hypnotist.
HomeOrchestra arrangements of classical music standards is a very desirable addition to a school orchestra repertoire. It allows to choose a member of any group – keyboards, strings, woodwinds or brass – and give them an unprecedented opportunity to shine as a soloist of a symphonic orchestra from the youngest age!
Watch the full length video here
Credits: Lola Smolokowski, piano / “Orquesta Reino de Aragon” orchestra / Ricardo Casero, conductor