Musical is a form of theatrical performance which combines songs, dialogue, acting and dance, similar to opera. The difference is in equal importance of all elements, where as in operas the singing component prevails. “West Side Story” is a musical, inspired by Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, but in the upper west side of New York in the mid 1950’s. The lovers from opposite gangs – puertorican “Sharks” and white “Jets” – fall in love and are subjected to a cruel rivalry between their gangs, and the story ends with their tragic demise.
HomeOrchestra arrangements of classical music standards will help you feel like a professional from first steps. Listen to “the Demo” file, where songs are featured exactly as they finally should sound, with HomeOrchestra’s soloist and the orchestra. Practice with our music sheet, then play our “play-along” track, step in as a soloist, and enjoy leading a full-scale symphonic orchestra in the comfort of your home!