Although in his lifetime Amilcare Ponchielli was very popular and influential, introducing an enlarged orchestra and more complex orchestration, the only one of his operas regularly performed today is La Gioconda. It contains a short ballet in the third act of this opera and depicts various hours of a day through some dancing. “The Dance of the Hours” was at one time one of the best known and most frequently performed ballets. It became even more widely known after its inclusion in the 1940 Disney animated film Fantasia where it is depicted as a comic ballet featuring anthropomorphized ostriches, hippos, elephants, and alligators.
HomeOrchestra arrangements of classical music standarts will help you feel like a professional from first steps. Listen to “the Demo” file, where songs are featured exactly as they finally should sound, with HomeOrchestra’s soloist and the orchestra. Practise with our music sheet, then play our “play-along” track, step in as a soloist, and enjoy leading a full-scale symphonic orchestra in the comfort of your home!